
Should these words go in the Macquarie Dictionary?

We are always on the lookout for new, emerging and interesting words to add to the Macquarie Dictionary. In a time of global instant communication, these words are popping up faster and in vaster quantities than ever before.

To earn a place in the dictionary however, a word has to prove that the community at large accepts it. That is to say, it has to turn up a number of times in a number of different contexts over a period of time. We find these mainly by reading – books, newspapers, the internet – and listening – radio, TV, people chatting.

We’d like to highlight some of the fun, creative and intriguing submissions we receive from you, the reader. Let us know if you know any others and what you think of these ones.

See other words suggested to the Macquarie Dictionary here.




to digitally assign geographical coordinates as metadata to electronically stored photos or video

a diary or planner based on a bullet-point system / the system for writing notes in a bullet journal

putting food or drink on your body for someone else's sexual gratification

sexy or hot.

a form of expressive aphasia that refers to the inability to speak in a grammatically correct fashion.

spanker someone or something which is great

critsit a critical situation, usually in an office environment.

Quick sticks	Hurry up

gruntle The opposite of disgruntled. To be happy.

Frankengrab	An audio clip that an editor has obviously stitched together from various grabs in order to produce a desired statement or meaning. Commonly used term in reality TV post-production.

framily A very close friend, not blood related, but considered to be family

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