

What’re youse doing?

Each week, we have a look at a slang word from Australian English. This week we look at youse. A stalwart and consistently divisive member of the Australian English language, youse appears to be here to stay. This unusual word was first recorded back in the 1890s

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Are you a greenie?

Greenie is a term for a conservationist that is now used worldwide, but it was originally an Australian coinage back in the 1970s.  Although the

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No flies on you, mate

Each week, we have a look at a slang word from Australian English. This week we look at No flies on you a complimentary phrase roughly translating to ‘you are clever’. This has been Aussie slang since the 1840s and is one 

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Have another nana

If you cast your minds back, you may remember calling the humble banana a nana as a child. Originally an Australian toddler’s word, dating back to

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What’s your favourite word?

One of the most difficult questions to answer, particularly when working for the Macquarie Dictionary, is “What is your favourite word?”. The answer can change depending on your mood, on the time of day, on the event or upcoming events, on any little thing, but there are usually one or two ‘go-to’ words that will always please.

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