
Should these words go in the Macquarie Dictionary?

We are always on the lookout for new, emerging and interesting words to add to the Macquarie Dictionary. In a time of global instant communication, these words are popping up faster and in vaster quantities than ever before.

To earn a place in the dictionary however, a word has to prove that the community at large accepts it. That is to say, it has to turn up a number of times in a number of different contexts over a period of time. We find these mainly by reading – books, newspapers, the internet – and listening – radio, TV, people chatting.

We’d like to highlight some of the fun, creative and intriguing submissions we receive from you, the reader. Let us know if you know any others and what you think of these ones.

See other words suggested to the Macquarie Dictionary here.



 macquarie dictionary enby NB non-binary - meaning gender, gender fluid

macquarie dictionary meatspace	Oct	the real world, as opposed to cyberspace

macquarie dictionary albatross parliament	Oct	A regular gathering of retired mariners at some public place to discuss old times and current events.

macquarie dictionary coulrophobia	Oct	fear of clowns

macquarie dictionary descope	 Oct 	1st meaning, in Project Management when the original scope of the project is reduced, the second in gaming when your avatar is shot and falls outside the view of the (online) telescopic sight on the rifle.

macquarie dictionary whitewash	Oct	alter characters in books, comics, films to make them white when they are originally of another ethnicity


 See other words suggested to the Macquarie Dictionary here.

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